The War on Britain's Motorists: Dispatches
John Consterdine is interviewed by Channel 4’s Dispatches on his electric taxi, the rising costs of on-street fast chargers and the diminishing benefits of owning an electric car in today’s economy.
John Consterdine is interviewed by Channel 4’s Dispatches on his electric taxi, the rising costs of on-street fast chargers and the diminishing benefits of owning an electric car in today’s economy.
Manchester Taxi Tours, John Consterdine, features on Good Morning Britain to discuss road safety for cyclists.
John Consterdine is featured in t2online’s tour around Manchester.
Read the full blog here.
Manchester Taxi Tours’ John Consterdine appears on BBC Travel Show.
Taxi drivers including our very own Green Badge tour guide and taxi driver John Consterdine share their experiences in this YouTube video.
Manchester Taxi Tours’ John Consterdine took YouTubers Theodora & Graeme from ‘Babe, where’s my passport?’ on a unique tour of the city centre.
Manchester Taxi Tours’ John Consterdine regularly appears on the radio! Here’s an episode of his United-themed radio talk on BBC.
Manchester Taxi Tours features on YouTube sensation Videobob Moseley’s channel.
John Consterdine talks M2L with Manchester Met Business School.
Manchester Taxi Tours featured on Australian travel blog AWOL, following a 2.5 hour tour which made them fall in love with the city.
Manchester Taxi Tours’ afternoon tea tour featured on Express.co.uk.
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