Discover the history of the Northern Quarter
The Northern Quarter as we know it today hasn’t always looked the same. In the late 1700’s it was laid out like a grid system, similar to an American city. It was the only area in Manchester with this layout which was purpose-built for industrial reasons, as NQ was on the cusp of the industrial revolution.
Despite ongoing developments in the area, Northern Quarter is still home to many industrial buildings relating to the cotton industry, and some old houses still stand. In fact, these houses are some of the oldest buildings in the Northern Quarter - small, one-room up and down terraces with records of up to 16 people living in them.
NQ was the home of the Old Smithfield Market in the 1960s, a popular destination for buying fresh fruit and veg, meat, fish and flowers. Still to this day, the area is the perfect spot for picking up local produce and supporting small businesses.